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Dragon Fibula

Type: Pin
Metal - Bronze

The dragon was a gatekeeper to other worlds and guardian to the secrets and treasures of the universe. Let this dragon keep your secrets as it adorns your kilt or cloak!

Design Details
The Dragon Fibula measures just 2.5” tall and is available in bronze and sterling silver.

Historical Inspiration
This stylized dragon brooch is closely patterned after one of a pair of chain-linked Celtic fibulas found in Hungary, dating from 400-300 B.C.

Celts thought dragons were wingless creatures, appearing as worms or water-serpents. As dragons traveled across the land they created lines (called “ley lines” or “dragon lines”) in the earth. The lines were conduits of energy. Any place where the lines crossed was a place of increased power. An example of this is Stonehenge where many believe the sacred stone circle was built on a power center created by crossing ley (dragon) lines.

Dragons were so revered by the Celts that they were adopted as a symbol of the power of the chieftain. In fact, the Celtic name for chieftain is “Pendragon”.

The dragon was also a sign of war, and it was under the cloth battle-banners shaped like dragons, writhing and twisting in the wind, that they marched to war against the golden eagles of the Romans.

This stylized dragon brooch is closely patterned after one of a pair of chain-linked Celtic fibulas found in Hungary, dating from 400-300 B.C.