Raven Bracelet - Medium

Type: Bracelet
Metal - Bronze

In the History Channel’s series Vikings, this is the arm ring that Ragnar presents to each of his four younger sons, Ivan, Ubbe, Hvisterk and Siguard, when they come of age.

Design Details

The Medium Raven Bracelet is constructed with a medium braid of wire, and is approximately 5/16 inch (8 mm) thick. It is available in bronze and sterling silver.

Which Bracelet Is Right For You?

We also offer a Light Raven Bracelet.

Historical Inspiration

Ravens figured heavily in Celtic mythology and legend. They were linked to darkness and death, especially the death of warriors in combat – an obvious reflection of their tendency to eat carrion, plenty of which is to be found in the aftermath of battle. The Morrigan, the Celtic war goddesses who was known for her ability to predict the outcomes of battles, often took the form of a raven. However, the highly intelligent ravens were also thought to be the messengers of the gods as they traveled between the worlds, bringing otherworldly advice and knowledge.