Odin's Raven Fibula

Type: Pin
Metal - Bronze

This fibulas were inspired by Odin’s two ravens, Huginn and Muninn. You can purchase both Huginn and Muninn together or individually.

Design Details
The Odin's Raven Fibulas are 4.25” (114 mm) tall and feature a hammered bronze pin on the back. The bronze versions are set with carnelians in the eyes and stainless steel rivet accents on the wings. The sterling silver versions are set with amber in the eyes and brass steel rivet accents on the wings.

Historical Inspiration
Huginn and Muninn
Fly every day
Over the great earth.
I fear for Hugin
That he may not return,
Yet more am I anxious for Munin

from the Icelandic poem Gylfaginning
by Snorri Sturluson

According to Norse mythology, there are two ravens named Huginn and Muninn that sit on Odin’s shoulders. Each day at dawn he sends them out to fly over the whole world to gather information for him. At breakfast, they return and inform him of what they’ve learned. For this reason Odin is often called Rafnagud (raven-god).