Griffin Torc - Heavy Braid

Type: Torc
Metal - Bronze

In mythology Griffins are often symbols of duality. Luckily for you, this duality works with fashion too. The Griffin Torc matches all kinds of outfits, both casual and formal!

Design Details
The Heavy Griffin Torc is constructed with a heavy braid of wire, and is approximately 3/8 inch (10 mm) thick. It is available in bronze or sterling silver.

Which Torc Is Right For You?
We also offer a Light Griffin Torc and a Jeweled Griffin Torc.

Historical Inspiration
Spelled Griffin, Griffon, and Gryphon, this legendary creature has the body, tail, and back legs of a lion and the head, talons, and wings of an eagle. They were said to love gold above all else, and they would build nests of it high in the mountains. Their nests were very tempting to the treasure hunters though, and they were forced to keep vigilant guard over them. Their instinct led them to know where buried treasures lay, and they did their best to keep plunderers at a distance.

The griffin is one of the first animals seen in Celtic art. Early Celtic warriors would adorned their sword scabbards, belt buckles, and mounts with images of the creature. It is likely they were inspired by their Greeks neighbors to the south. The Greeks saw the Griffon as a noble and wise creature, but capable of great wrath and violence when angered. They believed a huge golden griffon pulled the chariot of their god Apollo.

Griffins continued to be popular in later Medieval and Christian art. They came to represent nobility and even kingship, and were often incorporated into coats of arms. Because griffons were thought to mate for life, the Catholic church used the griffin as a symbol of marriage. And yet at the same time, perhaps reflecting the dual nature of Griffons, they were often used to represent evil, and even Satan himself.

Finally, there is the Christian-era legend of the Ascension of Alexander the Great. According to this story, Alexander captured a pair of griffins and, having starved them for three days, hitched them to his throne. He held chunks of roasted beef above their heads on lances, teasing the griffons into flight as they attempted to get at the savory meat. They flew heavenward for seven days. Alexander would have stolen a peek at God Himself if an angel had not asked him why he wanted to see the things of heaven when he did not yet understand the things of earth. Chastised for his presumptuousness, Alexander flew back to earth. Representations of Alexander's ascension were placed in French and Italian cathedrals during the 12th century.